Dreamers & Doers: A podcast for entrepreneurs and business owners who dream big and get stuff done.

Are you a freelancer, side-hustler, 9-5 runaway, stick it to the man-er, self-employed novice, multi-empire owner, compulsive start-up tycoon or creative entrepreneurial spirit?

Then subscribe to business podcast Dreamers & Doers to keep up to date with the latest inspiring business stories, no nonsense advice from successful start ups and veteran business owners, as well as PR and marketing tips that will help you unlock exciting business opportunities.

The podcast for entrepreneurs, business owners and creatives is hosted by Unhooked Communications MD Claire Gamble, who is joined by range of inspiring guests.

Join the Dreamers & Doers to take control of your own career destiny and shape the working life and business you want. Your business, your life, your way.

Please subscribe to Dreamers & Doers on iTunes and leave a review to help others find it. You can also check out the podcast category of the blog to find out about the latest episodes, guests, advice and motivation, as well as join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter (use the hashtag #DreamersDoers.

If you'd like to be considered as a guest for the show, please email [email protected] with your name and a brief introduction to what you'd like to talk about.

Contact Unhooked Communications to see how we can help you and your business.

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